Who We Are
CrowdBurst is a platform for self-improvement based on the sending and receiving of anonymous advice. At CrowdBurst, we believe that friends and colleagues often see our weaknesses more clearly than we do ourselves, and that we can harness their feedback for positive change. CrowdBurst is your self-improvement secret weapon.
How It Works
You can use CrowdBurst as a simple email anonymizer to gently but firmly let friends or colleagues know when they've screwed up. Even better, use it to ask those same friends and colleagues for their advice on something you know you need help with. Unlock more of CrowdBurst's power by choosing from our huge selection of surveys on every topic, or creating your own if you don't see what you're looking for. Learn more at How It Works.
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Are you a Rails or Javascript ninja? Web design expert? Marketing guru? We want you.
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