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    • Professional category
      What kind of first impression do I make on new business associates and clients?
      • How's my handshake?
        too weak
        • 1
        • 2
        • 3
        • 4
        • 5
        • 6
        • 7
        • 8
        • 9
        • 10
        too strong
      • Smiling is great, but too much smiling can turn people off. How much do I smile?
        • Not at all. People think you are gloomy or rude.
        • Some, but more would be better.
        • Just the right amount.
        • Too much. Poeple think you are creepy.
        • It doesn't matter how often, because your smiles come across as insincere. They're not convincing.
      • Do I make the client (or new associate) feel at ease?
        not at all
        • 1
        • 2
        • 3
        • 4
        • 5
        yes, totally at ease
      • Do I call the client (or associate) by name frequently enough?
        • You don't use the client's name at all. It seems like you've forgotten it.
        • You use the client's name occasionally, but not enough.
        • You use it just the right amount.
        • You use the client's name too much. You sound like a used-car salesman.
      • Do I signal my interest in the client by asking appropriate questions?
        • No. You talk too much about yourself (or your company).
        • Some, but more would be better.
        • Yes, you ask the right amount of questions.
        • You ask too many questions. The client (or associate) feels harassed.
      • Is my personal appearance (grooming and clothing) appropriate?
        not at all
        • 1
        • 2
        • 3
        • 4
        • 5
        yes, spot on
      • How is my demeanor? Do I seem relaxed, comfortable, friendly, and engaged?
        • Yes, all of the above
        • No, you are too aloof.
        • No, you seem too nervous or excited.
      • What else can I do to make a better first impression?
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