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- Untitled SurveyProfessionalAnonymous feedback for Divya
- How would you rate Divya's work quality on a scale of 1-3; 1 being needs improvement, 2 being as expected, 3 being above and beyond.
- 1
- 2
- 3
- Comments on Divya's work quality?
- How would you rate Divya's work timeliness on a scale of 1-3; 1 being needs improvement, 2 being as expected, 3 being above and beyond.
- 1
- 2
- 3
- Comments on Divya's work timeliness?
- How would you rate Divya's work quantity on a scale of 1-3; 1 being needs improvement, 2 being as expected, 3 being above and beyond.
- 1
- 2
- 3
- Comments on Divya's work quantity?
- Any other feedback you'd like to provide?