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  • ×Alistair J. Templeton
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    • Sex and Dating category
      Sex and Dating
      How good of a kisser are you? Let's break it down.
      • How would you rate the length of my kisses?
        too short
        • 1
        • 2
        • 3
        • 4
        • 5
        • 6
        • 7
        • 8
        • 9
        • 10
        too long
      • How would you rate the wetness of my kisses?
        too wet
        • 1
        • 2
        • 3
        • 4
        • 5
        • 6
        • 7
        • 8
        • 9
        • 10
        too dry
      • How is my eye contact throughout the kissing process?
        not enough
        • 1
        • 2
        • 3
        • 4
        • 5
        • 6
        • 7
        • 8
        • 9
        • 10
        too much
      • Does my nose ever get in the way?
        • yes
        • no
      • Overall, how good of a kisser would you say I am?
        • 1
        • 2
        • 3
        • 4
        • 5
        • 6
        • 7
        • 8
        • 9
        • 10
      • Do you have any additional advice on how I might improve my kissing?
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