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    • Miscellaneous category
      Most of us spend a good part of the day writing emails, contracts, reports, or something else. Polished writing skills are a prerequisite for professional success in many settings. How are mine?
      • In general, how would you rate the quality of my writing?
        • 1
        • 2
        • 3
        • 4
        • 5
        • 6
        • 7
        • 8
        • 9
        • 10
      • Do I use an appropriate vocabulary level?
        • No, your vocabulary is too limited. You need to learn more words.
        • Yes, the level seems right for the audience.
        • No, you try to use impressive words you don't fully understand.
      • Is my sentence structure varied and interesting?
        • Yes
        • No, it's repetitive or simplistic
      • How many grammatical or spelling errors do I make?
        • None
        • Few
        • Too many
      • Twain tells us to "eschew surplusage." Strunk & White instruct us to "omit needless words." How is the verbosity of my prose?
        too terse
        • 1
        • 2
        • 3
        • 4
        • 5
        • 6
        • 7
        too verbose
      • What other advice can you give me on improving my writing?
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