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    • Miscellaneous category
      Psychologist Angela Duckworth's grit scale is hot. You can take the quiz yourself at — but are you sure you're being honest with yourself? Find out what others think of your grittiness.
      • New ideas and projects sometimes distract me from previous ones.
        • Very much like you
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        • Not much like you
        • Not like you at all
      • Setbacks don’t discourage me. I don’t give up easily.
        • Very much like you
        • Mostly like you
        • Somewhat like you
        • Not much like you
        • Not like you at all
      • I often set a goal but later choose to pursue a different one.
        • Very much like you
        • Mostly like you
        • Somewhat like you
        • Not much like you
        • Not like you at all
      • I am a hard worker.
        • Very much like you
        • Mostly like you
        • Somewhat like you
        • Not much like you
        • Not like you at all
      • I have difficulty maintaining my focus on projects that take more than a few months to complete.
        • Very much like you
        • Mostly like you
        • Somewhat like you
        • Not much like you
        • Not like you at all
      • I finish whatever I begin.
        • Very much like you
        • Mostly like you
        • Somewhat like you
        • Not much like you
        • Not like you at all
      • My interests change from year to year.
        • Very much like you
        • Mostly like you
        • Somewhat like you
        • Not much like you
        • Not like you at all
      • I am diligent. I never give up.
        • Very much like you
        • Mostly like you
        • Somewhat like you
        • Not much like you
        • Not like you at all
      • I have been obsessed with a certain idea or project for a short time but later lost interest.
        • Very much like you
        • Mostly like you
        • Somewhat like you
        • Not much like you
        • Not like you at all
      • I have overcome setbacks to conquer an important challenge.
        • Very much like you
        • Mostly like you
        • Somewhat like you
        • Not much like you
        • Not like you at all
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