Should I use my middle name on my business card?
Miscellaneous category

I've met several people who go by their full name (first, middle, last) on their business cards, and I think it looks cool. Because it's somewhat rare, I think it probably also makes their names easier to remember. I've been thinking of putting my middle name ("Dunlow") on my business correspondence — e.g., on the business card, in my email signature, etc. Are there any downsides to this? Does it seem affected or pretentious, for example?

What about just using a middle initial?

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    user imageScooter James McGeeover 8 years ago

    It helps if you have a unique middle name. This distinguishes you from the vast array of John Does out there (John Perseus Doe is easier to find).

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      user imageAmber N Van Karsenover 8 years ago

      It can be perceived as being pretentious. Personally I would only use it if I shared a name with quite a few other people. If not, I wouldn't see a reason to use it.

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        user imageAlistair J. Templetonalmost 9 years ago

        In this day and age I think it's a great idea just so people can find your LinkedIn profile (if you want them to). I think it's just a practical measure more than anything.